11 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read in 2017

When it comes to entrepreneurial journey there's a lot you need to read about. There will be late nights, Early mornings, Joys and Sorrows. All you have do to is keep motivating yourself throughout your Entrepreneurial Journey. Reading is the best Entrepreneurial trait among others. Here we are providing 5 Must Read Books for the young entrepreneur.

A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.
–Neil Gaiman

1. The 10% Entrepreneur by Patrick J. McGinnis: 

Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read in 2017

Patrick McGinnis gives the reader step by step instructions of how to invest just 10% of your time and resources to become an entrepreneur without giving up your present income. The premise of this book is that you are going to be an entrepreneur in addition to working a "day job" this allows you to essentially be an entrepreneur with a net. The book includes a variety of stock-taking exercises to help you figure out what areas would be good for your entrepreneurial endeavors based on your strengths and interests. There are many paths one can follow to invest. You don't have to be a millionaire to become an entrepreneur.

Patrick McGinnis' book is a gift for anyone who has wished they had the entrepreneurial bug but is just too risk averse to give up their day job. As Patrick learned himself and as he teaches us, one can be an entrepreneur on the side--a 10% Entrepreneur--while keeping their day job and the perks and security it offers. And given how unstable companies and the economy are, it's best to diversify one's career as one would one's investment portfolio.

Patrick shows us how to start on this journey, explains the different ways to contribute to these side ventures, how to vet them, and so much more. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to keep that day job but hedge their bets with side projects that could build towards a better--and less fearful--future.

Buy The 10% Entrepreneur !

2. 101 Entrepreneur Mindset by Vindimear D Heart:

Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read in 2017

As the books description reads: People who are employed nowadays are looking for a better source of income, especially if they are not happy working for a boss anymore. Most of these employees are seeking for opportunities to be the boss of their own. They want to have their own business and earn from it. If you are one of them, you must have an entrepreneur mindset.

You may have the talent and skills or a hardworking attitude, but are those things enough for you to survive a business for a long time? There are people who offer products and services, sell it online or to people in their network, but still having a hard time coping with the pressures of running their own business. They usually have no time for socialization, leisure, or even relaxation. They are also stuck in their current business standing, meaning they are not able to improve or innovate their business.

Buy 101 Entrepreneur Mindset

3. 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall:

Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read in 2017

Clear, concise, informative, and exciting! This book lays out a solid foundation for growth in any business by radically reformatting old theories, revamping procedures, and reconditioning thought patterns. Full of case studies and formulas, it provides an analytical and logical, linear pathway through the giant maze that is business, breaking the beast down into component parts and handling them individually. Those bite-sized portions, and the step-by-step guide they create, put you on a trajectory toward success in the fewest possible steps.

A couple of religious chapters at the end lost the thread for me, and seemed out of place and like part of a completely different conversation. But the rest kept me, literally, with notebook in hand, scribbling down ideas that I immediately put into action. As I develop a more complete plan going forward, I will also use more of the supplemental online tools, which proved quite user-friendly and helpful, and I will have my team use them as well. It's a new perspective on an old art for a changing world.

Buy 80/20 Sales and Marketing

4. Hustle by Neil Patel, Patrick Vlaskovits, and Jonas Koffler:

Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read in 2017

This book is all about getting to the right mindset as an entrepreneur. Once you have the correct mindset everything will fall into place. This is decent book about how hustle is how to be successful in life. It gives the reader some encouragement to pursue their passions and dreams and to give it their all in the process. Like most motivational books this book relies on personal story and encouraging narratives.

Premise seems noble, encouraging the reader, constantly, to plan an alternative path. The evidence of success were anecdotal, and happenstance. There are risks worth taking, and some actual lead to unicorn successes. The authors poked fun at themselves, as the few sources of comedy, which grew tiring after a while. Without any references to reasonable measures of achievement, the book felt like a frat house tale, of a wild night, exaggerated to the point where, even a layman, would scratch their heads and mutter, suppose so.

Cool reference to a YouTube video about a boy entrepreneur, that made an arcade out of cardboard in front of his dad's East LA auto parts store, thanks to a chance encounter with a freelance filmmaker. A least the book had one verifiable luck + sweat equals success example!

Buy Hustle !

5. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss:

Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read in 2017

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich is a manifesto calling for workers everywhere to rise up and flee their cubicles in pursuit of a life guided by their passions and not their paychecks. It offers a practical, step-by-step guide that can be followed by people who are not independently wealthy but who don’t want to be slaves to their jobs until retirement. Whether a person is an entrepreneur or an employee, he or she can follow this path. However, the steps to doing so will vary slightly.

Lifestyle Design in action through different case study examples equipped with resources and tool recommendations which makes it a great reference book especially when taking in consideration its accompanying website as well.

Tim makes life sound simple offering a step-by-step process for "DEALmakers" (Definition, Elimination, Automation and Liberation) whether it relates to business, travel, acquiring a new skill set to create the needed time, income and mobility.

Buy The 4-Hour Workweek

Want to suggest an Edit? Which was the last book you read ? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Online Tools to Help Dealing with .PDF files

In our normal day-to-day routine in our office, We have to deal with .PDF files. Sometimes we need to make it small in size to upload somewhere or send as an e-mail attachment, or to convert it to other formats like Word, Excel, or JPEG or something different. Also, Sometimes we need to merge some PDF files to make one single file or to split a single file into multiple .PDF files.

Dealing with .PDF files with the above stated issues is a complete mess if you are doing it for the first time or you may have no idea how to do that. but, What if I tell you that you can do anything with your .PDF file you wanted to and this is absolutely FREE and an Online Process. That means you don't need to purchase any software for this or search for any software to download. You can do all this by just uploading your files and choose what you want to do to them. YES.. It is THAT Simple!

There are many tools available online to do these things, so in this we are listing some the best tools available.

Remember, All you need to do is just upload your .PDF file on any of the tools listed below and choose what you want to do to them.

Follow our complete guide and after finishing this guide you will be an expert in dealing with .PDF files. Use any of the following online tools to compress your .PDF file. Copy any link and Paste in your Browser's address bar.

- Making .PDF files Smaller in Size: 

- smallpdf.com/compress-pdf

- pdfcompress.com

- sejda.com/compress-pdf

- Convert .PDF files to Other formats:

- freepdfconvert.com

- smallpdf.com

- sejda.com

- Merge or Split .PDF Files:

- pdfmerge.com

- smallpdf.com/split-pdf

- splitpdf.com

- sejda.com/split-pdf

- sejda.com/merge-pdf

There are still so many online tools available which lets you to:

- Watermark PDF

- Protect PDF

- Unprotect PDF

- Edit PDF

- Rotate PDF

- Crop PDF

- Delete Pages from PDF

- Resize PDF

- Assign Page Numbers to PDF

and for all these tasks our favorite tool is sejda.com.

Which one you find best? Let us know in the comments section below: 

Entrepreneur Motivational Video

Millions of us dream of being an Entrepreneur. but those who can convert this dream into reality are the real entrepreneurs.

The True Entrepreneur is a DOER, not a DREAMER.
 - Nolan Bushnell

Here we are sharing with you the best way to start your day as an Entrepreneur.  Your dose of motivation.

[youtube src="DPR3p3EJADo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen"/]

This video was posted by Daily Dose on their YouTube Channel.

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Give your Gmail Signature a new look by adding social media icons that link to your social profiles!

A Cool way of linking to your Facebook, Twitter or other social media profiles.

How to Add Social Media Icons to Your Gmail Signature

Follow this complete DIY Guide to add social media icon-links to your Gmail Signature!

Step 1: Go to Settings in your Gmail :

Step 2: Under General Tab scroll down and find Signatures, Then type the basic text you want to appear in your Gmail Signature.

Step 3: Now place the cursor where you want to insert your social icons and click on "Insert Image" (As shown in the Screenshot below)

Step 4: You can upload the icons, if you have already downloaded them or 

You can Paste the icon URL (Like in the screenshot below I have pasted the URL for Facebook Icone (size 30x30).

Want to download the icons ? Don't worry, I have provided some of the Social Media Icons at the end of this post.

Step 5: Add one by one the icons you want to link to. Gmail will allow you to upload one image at a time. Here I have added Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Icon.

Step 6: Now, To link these icons to your social profile you need to select the icon using mouse (as you normally select a piece of text). Then click on "Link" icon over the text area (as shown in image below i have selected Facebook icon)

Step 7: Clicking on "Link" will leave you with this:

Now click on "Change" and add your Facebook profile link (refer the screenshot below)

TIP: Remember to test your link by clicking on "Test this link" to make sure you have inserted the correct link. It will open your link in a pop-up window.

Now do the same with Twitter and LinkedIn Icons:

Step 8: Now save the changes you made by scrolling down and clicking on "Save Changes".

and...... Done! 

Have a look how  your signature will appear with all your social profile links. YAY! 

Your mail recipient can go to your social profile by clicking on the icons in your Gmail Signature.

and...as i promised here are some Popular Social Media Icons:


You can Right-Click and Save these icons to upload in your signatures or you can just Right-Click and "Copy Image Address" and then paste it as directed in Step 4 above.

How you liked it? Hit us with a comment in the comments section below:

:: Don't forget to Share this with your Friends if you liked the information provided above! :: 


What is a Pivot Table?

Pivot Table, basically, is a data summarization tool, that can automatically sort, count, total or average and can summarize a data table as per your needs. This is quite simple but very useful MS Excel tool that works on drag-and-drop concept.

To know more about Pivot Table, watch the video below:

[youtube src="GCeYCGzmqN4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen"/]

P.S. We don't own this video, this video is posted on YouTube by Dave Bruns on his YouTube Channel Exceljet. He is awesome feel Free to Subscribe his Channel.


MS Excel 30+ Shortcuts

When you are working on MS Excel, knowing some basic shortcuts will surely save your time and energy. Also, it feels cool finishing up the work in style when you don't want to struggle with mouse. Do it there on the keyboard itself.

So, here we are with a video on 30+ MS Excel Shortcuts. You will definitely find them cool.

P.S. We don't own this video, this video is posted on YouTube by Dave Bruns on his YouTube Channel Exceljet. He is awesome feel Free to Subscribe his Channel.

[youtube src="k_MIeDLEgC8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen"/]

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